
The erpes zoster is an acute viral illness characterized by a vesicular rash of unilateral distribution, which can eventually cause severe complications, such as post-herpetic neuralgia, ophthalmic zoster, stroke or other neurological complications. In Europe, an incidence of between 2.0 and 4.6 cases per 1000 person-years is estimated, with an increase after 50 years of age. Currently, the therapeutic options for are only partially effective in limiting the acute phase, while the management of complications is frequently complex and not satisfactory. The overall burden of the disease and the elevated costs associated with diagnosis and clinical and therapeutic management led to the development of a new preventive approach through a live attenuated virus vaccine. The vaccine now available decreases the incidence of the disease, post-herpetic neuralgia and the burden of illness. Moreover, the vaccine is safe and well tolerated and it seems to confer long-term protection. Based on the clinical results and evidence provided by the Health Technology Assessment, several countries introduced immunization although with different recommendations and methods of funding.


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