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Clinical (66) and collection (38) strains of spp., including and CDC group D2, and of were examined. Conventional characters used in species identification were assessed by a micro-biochemical method, and pyrolysis-mass spectrometry (Py-MS) was performed with a Horizon Instruments PYMS 200X. Classification based on Py-MS data yielded clusters that corresponded with species identification and classification groups from conventional data. One small group of clinical strains, homogeneous in conventional tests and Py-MS, comprised isolates from sputum samples from patients undergoing ventilation; they were similar to collection strains of and ; the latter species has been implicated in chest infection. Another group, similar to in both systems, comprised clinical strains isolated from urogenital specimens. strains were clearly distinct from spp. Groups comprising CDC D2 strains and were resolved, and were similar to other spp. Two collection strains of were distinct in conventional tests and Py-MS.


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