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Expression vectors were constructed from 35S promoter-containing full-length cDNA clones of Zygocactus virus X (ZVX). The expression of foreign genes was driven by the ZVX coat protein (cp) subgenomic promoter. It was successful only when the variable region downstream of the conserved putative promoter region GSTTAAGTT(X)GAA was retained. Most of the ZVX cp gene, except for a short 3′ part, was replaced by the corresponding sequence of the related Schlumbergera virus X (SVX) and its cp subgenomic promoter to enable encapsidation of the transcribed RNA by an SVX/ZVX hybrid cp. Vector-expressed cp of (BNYVV) assembled in , and leaves into particles resembling true BNYVV particles. The virus produced from these constructs retained its ability to express BNYVV cp in local infections during successive passages on . This ability was lost, however, in the rarely occurring systemic infections.


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