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Rice stripe disease, caused by rice stripe virus (RSV), is one of the major virus diseases in east Asia. Rice plants infected with RSV usually show symptoms such as chlorosis, weakness, necrosis in newly emerged leaves and stunting. To reveal rice cellular systems influenced by RSV infection, temporal changes in the transcriptome of RSV-infected plants were monitored by a customized rice oligoarray system. The transcriptome changes in RSV-infected plants indicated that protein-synthesis machineries and energy production in the mitochondrion were activated by RSV infection, whereas energy production in the chloroplast and synthesis of cell-structure components were suppressed. The transcription of genes related to host-defence systems under hormone signals and those for gene silencing were not activated at the early infection phase. Together with concurrent observation of virus concentration and symptom development, such transcriptome changes in RSV-infected plants suggest that different sets of various host genes are regulated depending on the development of disease symptoms and the accumulation of RSV.


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Summary of the microarray results in this study [ Excel file] (10.5 MB)


List of RSV-responsive genes categorized by protein domains encoded. The data are the source data for Fig. 2 in the paper [ Excel file] (7 MB)


List of RSV-responsive genes in each category. The data are the source data for Fig. 2 and Table 1 in the paper [ Excel file] (3 MB)

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