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Allele mining on susceptibility factors offers opportunities to find new sources of resistance among crop wild relatives for breeding purposes. As a proof of concept, we used available RNAseq data to investigate polymorphisms among the four tomato genes encoding translation initiation factors [ and , and the related gene ()] to look for new potential resistance alleles to potyviruses. By analysing polymorphism among RNAseq data obtained for 20 tomato accessions, 10 belonging to the cultivated type and 10 belonging to the closest related wild species , we isolated one new allele, in the LA0411 accession, which encodes a potential new resistance allele, mainly due to a polymorphism associated with an amino acid change within eIF4E1 region II. We confirmed that this new allele, , is indeed associated with resistance to potato virus Y, although with a restricted resistance spectrum and a very low durability potential. This suggests that mutations occurring in eIF4E region II only may not be sufficient to provide efficient and durable resistance in plants. However, our study emphasizes the opportunity brought by RNAseq data to mine for new resistance alleles. Moreover, this approach could be extended to seek for putative new resistance alleles by screening for variant forms of susceptibility genes encoding plant host proteins known to interact with viral proteins.


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