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The complete nucleotide sequence of an ophiovirus associated with lettuce big-vein disease has been elucidated. The genome consisted of four RNA molecules of approximately 7·8, 1·7, 1·5 and 1·4 kb. Virus particles were shown to contain nearly equimolar amounts of RNA molecules of both polarities. The 5′- and 3′-terminal ends of the RNA molecules are largely, but not perfectly, complementary to each other. The virus genome contains seven open reading frames. Database searches with the putative viral products revealed homologies with the RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of rhabdoviruses and , and the capsid protein of . The gene encoding the viral polymerase appears to be located on the RNA segment 1, while the nucleocapsid protein is encoded by the RNA3. No significant sequence similarities were observed with other viral proteins. In spite of the morphological resemblance with species in the genus , the ophioviruses appear not to be evolutionary closely related to this genus nor any other viral genus.


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