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Forty-seven European bat lyssaviruses (EBL) and two African insectivorous bat lyssaviruses (Duvenhage viruses) were selected for a comparison to be made of their evolutionary relationships. Studies were based on direct sequencing of the PCR-amplified products of the 400 nucleotides coding for the amino terminus of the nucleoprotein. Phylogenetic relationships were analysed after bootstrap resampling using the maximum parsimony and the neighbour-joining methods. Analyses of both the nucleotide and amino acid sequences placed these viruses in three separate clusters, namely genotype 4 (Duvenhage), genotype 5 (EBL1) and genotype 6 (EBL2). Evolutionary analysis of the nucleoprotein gene of EBL1 and EBL2 indicated low intrinsic heterogeneity mainly due to synonymous substitutions. In addition, both EBL1 and EBL2 evolved into at least two genetically distinguishable lineages (a and b) following geographical drifting. We can speculate that subsequently the lineages EBL1a and EBL1b were introduced into parts of northern Europe from two different geographical directions; EBL1b was probably introduced most recently and was from North Africa. appears to be the principal reservoir for EBL1 and and the reservoirs for EBL2.


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