
Current evidence suggests that Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors (INSTI) are associated with excess weight gain. These increases are particularly significant for black people and women.

Clinic notes of 84 patients stable on INSTI for at least 18 months and attending HIV outpatient clinics at Castle Hill Hospital, Hull Royal Infirmary, Grimsby Hospital and Scunthorpe Hospital were included. Data including height and weight was collected at 18, 30, 42 and 54 months, following commencement of INSTI. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA.

65% of patients were male. The mean age at baseline was 50 and the mean age at diagnosis was 40. Median CD4 count was 669 and viral load was 0 within the last 6 months. 64% of patients were White British, 7% White Other, 21% Black and 9% other.

At 30 months, mean weight increased by 1.41kg, statistically significant at p<0.0065. At 42 months, mean weight increased by 2.53kg, significant at p= 0.0056. At 54 months, mean weight increased by 1.33kg; however this was not significant. Differences in weight amongst the sexes, different ethnicities and different categories of infection as classified by the CDC was observed but was not statistically significant.

Two adverse events- myocardial infarction and stroke were reported but no patient on INSTI died.

Patients stable on INSTI gained weight but the clinical significance of this is unclear, especially as weight changes in patients stable on other antiretrovirals have not been compared. Further research to assess cardiometabolic impact of weight gain following INSTI is required.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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