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. Rhinoviruses (RVs) occur more frequently than other viruses and more often in people displaying symptoms than in those without. We sought to estimate the spectrum of RV diversity, RV species seasonality and to analyse RV involvement in respiratory virus co-detections.

. A convenience collection of 1179 airway sample extracts from patients with suspected respiratory infections, collected during 2001, was subjected to comprehensive molecular testing.

. RVs were the most common virus detected. We were able to genotype ~90 % of RV detections, identifying 70 distinct RVs, spanning all three species. RV-Bs were under-represented. We found RV species co-circulated at times, although one species usually dominated. Each species displayed a bimodal distribution.

. Notably, RVs and influenza A viruses (IFAV) seldom co-occurred, supporting their roles as primary pathogens of the airway among acutely ill infants. Whether RV circulation has a moderating or controlling effect on the IFAV season or is controlled by it cannot be determined from these data. Despite the frequent perception that RVs commonly co-occur with another virus, our findings indicated this was not always the case. Nearly 80 % of RV detections occurred alone. Understanding more about population-level interference between viruses may allow us to harness aspects of it to generate a non-specific antiviral intervention that mimics a putative protective effect. For routine respiratory virus screening to best serve the patient, RV testing should be a principal component of any acute respiratory illness testing algorithm throughout the year.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License.

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