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In this study, the microbiota, including their diversity as well as the distribution of haemolytic and virulence gene-harbouring of 56-day-old healthy piglets, was characterized. Both the composition and the diversity of populations varied considerably between individual pigs and intestinal sections. , , and dominated the microbiota. However, mucosa-associated were scarce or in some cases undetectable. The majority of clones from the jejunum were also found in the colon, with up to 10 different clones in one intestinal section. Other species were represented by only one clone localized to one intestinal section. While several piglets did not harbour virulence gene-positive or haemolytic , such strains dominated intestinal sections of other animals. This study reveals that the diversity of intestinal is clearly individual. In general, do not appear to be a consistent fraction of the microbiota of the jejunum. High numbers of adherent bacteria do not appear to be essential for successful intestinal colonization, and clones do not necessarily colonize distinct intestinal sections based on the particular phylogenetic affiliation. Furthermore, dominance of haemolytic or virulence gene-positive does not correlate with disease. Finally, probiotic feed supplementation does not affect the microbiota.


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