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O157 : H7 cells that interact with intestinal epithelial cells in animals and humans do so after passage through the low pH of the stomach. This study compared adherence and its associated virulence gene expression in acid-treated (AT) and non-acid treated (NAT) O157 : H7 strain 86-24 and in ligated pig intestine. It was found that , AT O157 : H7 had significantly decreased adherence accompanied by decreased expression of and but not of the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) genes. Expression of , genes involved in quorum sensing, and the global regulators , , , and was significantly increased; notably, expression was increased 29-fold compared with NAT O157 : H7. AT O157 : H7 colonized the pig intestine as effectively as NAT O157 : H7 bacteria. Expression of 70 of 72 virulence genes from bacteria recovered from the intestine was similar between AT and NAT O157 : H7, except , and , whose level of expression was reduced in the AT bacteria. Genes involved in acid response, regulators , and , and toxin synthesis genes ( and ) were expressed at significantly reduced levels in the intestine by both AT and NAT strains. Expression in the intestine of the LEE and putative adhesion factors , and was at levels similar to those , while and in NAT O157 : H7 were expressed significantly more highly than . These data indicate that AT and NAT O157 : H7 behave differently, and that expression of their virulence genes is regulated differently from .


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