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In the search for Type II polyketide synthases (PKSs) a DNA fragment was isolated from ATCC 11891 (a producer of oleandomycin). DNA sequencing of the cloned fragment revealed six complete ORFs whose deduced products showed similarities to those of other genes known to be involved in polyketide biosynthesis. Several strains mutated in different steps of actinorhodin biosynthesis (, , and ) were complemented by the cloned genes, suggesting that the isolated genes encode an aromatic polyketide of unknown structure and function. The cluster also contains a putative LysR-type transcriptional regulator (ORF0), which controls PKS gene expression in a heterologous host. DNA binding assays and transcriptional analysis suggest that the pathway-specific regulator for actinorhodin biosynthesis (-ORF4) is also involved in the expression of the cloned PKS in the host strain.


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