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JB1 does not normally lyse, but stationary phase lysis can be induced by including 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) in the growth medium. Isolates deficient in glucose/2DG phosphotransferase activity (PTS) also lysed when 2DG was present (Lys) and this result indicated that 2DG phosphorylation via the PTS was not an obligate requirement for 2DG-induced lysis. Cells and cell walls from 2DG-grown cultures lysed faster when proteinase K was added, but glucose-grown cultures and cell walls were not affected. A lipoteichoic acid (LTA) extract (aqueous phase from hot phenol treatment) from glucose-grown cells inhibited the lysis of 2DG-grown cultures, but a similar extract prepared from 2DG-grown cells was without effect. Thin-layer chromatography and differential staining indicated that wild-type and Lys PTS cells incorporated 2DG into LTA, but lysis-resistant cultures (Lys PTS and Lys PTS) did not. LTA from lysis-resistant (Lys PTS and Lys PTS) cells grown with glucose and 2DG also prevented 2DG-dependent lysis of the wild-type. LTA could not inhibit degradation of cell walls isolated from 2DG-grown cultures, but LTA inhibited the lysis of () cells that were exposed to supernatants from 2DG-grown cultures. Group D streptococci (including . ) normally have an α-1,2 linked glucose disaccharide (kojibiose) in their LTA, but kojibiose cannot be synthesized from 2DG. This observation suggested that the kojibiose moiety of LTA was involved in autolysin inactivation. Wild-type had ATP- as well as PEP-dependent mechanisms of 2DG phosphorylation and one lysis-resistant phenotype (Lys PTS) had reduced levels of both activities. However, the Lys PTS phenotype was still able to phosphorylate 2DG via ATP and PEP and this result indicated that some other step of 2DG incorporation into LTA was being inhibited. Based on these results, growth in the presence of 2DG appears to prevent synthesis of normal LTA, which is involved in the regulation of autolytic enzymes.


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