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The relationship between chemical structure and biological activity of the lipid A from , which we recently isolated and whose complete chemical structure was determined [Kumada (1995). 177, 2098--2106], was studied. The lipid A exhibited endotoxic activity in all the assay systems tested: gelation activity, lethal toxicity in galactosamine-sensitized mice, mitogenicity in mouse spleen cells and induction of nitric oxide (NO) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF) release from both mouse peritoneal macrophages and the J774-1 mouse macrophage-like cell line. The activity was, however, about 100-fold less than that of LPS used as a control. The moderate activity of the lipid A may be partially explained by its unique fatty acid composition and the lack of a phosphate group in position 4. In contrast, the lipid A as well as whole LPS of unexpectedly exhibited an even stronger induction of TNF from the human monocytic THP-1 cell line than control LPS when measured by the minimum stimulatory dose. The difference in sensitivity of human and mouse cells to lipid A suggests that the recognition mechanism, including that for the receptor for endotoxin, may be regulated in different ways in the two cells.


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