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Superoxide dismutase (SOD, superoxide: superoxide reductase, EC activity was studied in 23 strains of spp. using disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Different enzyme patterns were observed with extracts of different species of ; three migration bands were found in all strains of subsp. and subsp. (relative mobilities, Rm, 0·57, 0·76 and 0·85), and subsp. (Rm 0·60, 0·72 and 0·81), while four migration bands (Rm 0·52, 0·57, 0·73 and 0·82) were found in subsp. One band (Rm 0.73) was found in CIP 7080 and two bands (Rm 0·59, 0·73) in CIP 702. Superoxide dismutase activities were very high in the strains, especially in subsp. [specific activity 7·8–55·7 U (mg protein)] compared with those in (1·5 U mg), (1·6 U mg) and (0·2 U mg).


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