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Growth temperature affected the structure of Ye 3827 lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Although Ye 3827 synthesized smooth LPS when grown at a low temperature (25 °C), partial smooth-rough transition occurred when the bacteria were grown at the physiological temperature (37 °C). The structural alteration was detected by bacteriophage-inactivation assay and chemical and immunological analyses. LPS prepared from bacteria grown at 25 °C inactivated a number of bacteriophages that recognize the O-antigenic polysaccharide portion of LPS, whereas more than 3000 times the amount of LPS from bacteria grown at 37 °C was required for the same degree of inactivation. The antigenic determinant(s) responsible for the major reaction between 25 °C-LPS and anti-25 °C-bacteria was located on the O-antigenic polysaccharide portion of LPS, but those responsible for the major reaction between 37 °C-LPS and anti-37 °C-bacteria were located on the R-core or inner portion of LPS.


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