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The East Asian region, including China, Japan and Korea, accounts for half of gastric cancer deaths. However, different areas have contrasting gastric cancer incidences and the population structure of in this ethnically diverse region is yet unknown. We aimed to investigate genomic differences in between these areas to identify sequence polymorphisms associated with increased cancer risk. We analysed 381 . genomes collected from different areas of the three countries using phylogenetic and population genetic tools to characterize population differentiation. The functional consequences of SNPs with a highest fixation index (Fst) between subpopulations were examined by mapping amino acid changes on 3D protein structure, solved or modelled. Overall, 329/381 genomes belonged to the previously identified hspEAsia population indicating that import of bacteria from other regions of the world has been uncommon. Seven subregional clusters were found within hspEAsia, related to subpopulations with various ethnicities, geographies and gastric cancer risks. Subpopulation-specific amino acid changes were found in multidrug exporters (), transporters (), outer membrane proteins () and several genes involved in host interaction, such as a catalase site, involved in HO entrance, and a flagellin site mimicking host glycosylation. Several of the top hits, including , , / and have been found to be differentiated within the Americas in previous studies, indicating that a handful of genes may be key to local geographic adaptation. within East Asia are not homogeneous but have become differentiated geographically at multiple loci that might have facilitated adaptation to local conditions and hosts. This has important implications for further evaluation of these changes in relation to the varying gastric cancer incidence between geographical areas in this region.

This study was supported by the:
  • Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (Award 2019SHZDZX02)
    • Principle Award Recipient: DanielFalush
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Award 19K22543)
    • Principle Award Recipient: IchizoKobayashi
  • Swedish Research Council (Award 2018-05973)
    • Principle Award Recipient: KaisaThorell
  • National Major Science and Technology Projects of China (Award 2018ZX10712-001)
    • Principle Award Recipient: JianzhongZhang
  • Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Award 2014SKLID102)
    • Principle Award Recipient: JianzhongZhang
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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