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Mutations within the HC-Pro coding region of (WSMV) were introduced by misincorporation during PCR and evaluated for phenotype within the context of an infectious clone. Nine synonymous substitutions and 15 of 25 non-synonymous substitutions had no phenotypic effect. Four non-synonymous substitutions, including one that reverted consistently to wild type, resulted in attenuated systemic infection. Six non-synonymous substitutions and one nonsense substitution abolished systemic infectivity. Mutants bearing the GUS reporter gene were evaluated for the ability to establish primary infection foci. All attenuated mutants and two systemic infection-deficient mutants produced localized regions of GUS expression on inoculated leaves 3 days post-inoculation. assays revealed that mutants able to establish infection foci retained HC-Pro proteinase activity. Among mutants unable to establish infection foci, HC-Pro proteinase activity was retained, reduced or absent. As a complete HC-Pro deletion mutant can infect plants systemically, certain substitutions in this dispensable gene probably prevented infection of WSMV via interference.


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