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The complete nucleotide sequence of the genomic RNA of the new virus Nemesia ring necrosis virus (NeRNV), which is widespread in various ornamental plant species belonging to the and , has been determined. Based on its gene content, the folding properties of its 5′-untranslated region and translation experiments, NeRNV RNA is a typical tymovirus RNA. Its 3′ end, however, differs greatly from those of the valine-specific tymoviral RNAs that have been analysed previously. It can be folded into an upstream pseudoknot domain and a histidine-specific tRNA-like structure, a combination that, so far, has been found only in tobamoviral RNAs. The identity elements found in NeRNV RNA for recognition by yeast histidyl-tRNA synthetase are more similar to those of yeast tRNA than the ones found in tobacco mosaic virus RNA. As a result NeRNV RNA can be charged with histidine even more efficiently than tobacco mosaic virus RNA.


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