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In this study, tetravirus (DpTV) has been identified as a new member of the genus of the family that may be related serologically to (NV). DpTV particles are isometric, with a diameter of about 40 nm and a buoyant density of 1·281 g cm in CsCl. The virus has two capsid proteins (of 62 500 and 6800 Da) and two single-stranded RNA molecules (RNA1 and RNA2), which are 5492 and 2490 nt long, respectively. RNA1 has a large open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 180 kDa; RNA2 contains two partially overlapping ORFs encoding polypeptides of 17 and 70 kDa. The 180 kDa protein, which contains consensus motifs of a putative methyltransferase, helicase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, shows significant similarity to those of other tetraviruses. The 17 kDa protein is a PEST (Pro/Glu/Ser/Thr) protein of unknown function. The 70 kDa protein is the coat protein precursor and is predicted to be cleaved at an Asn–Phe site located after residue 570. The 70 kDa protein shows 86 and 66 % identity to its homologues in NV and , respectively. Secondary-structure analysis revealed that the RNAs of DpTV have tRNA-like structures at their 3′ termini.


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