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Double-stranded RNA preparations produced from potato plants graft-inoculated with a Peruvian isolate of (PYVV; genus , family ) contain five RNA species denoted RNA 1, RNA 2, RNA 3, x and y of approximately 8, 5·3, 3·8, 2·0 and 1·8 kbp, respectively. The complete nucleotide sequences of PYVV RNAs 1, 2 and 3 and Northern hybridization analysis showed that PYVV RNA 1 contained the replication module and an additional open reading frame (p7), while two distinct species, RNAs 2 and 3, contain the hallmark gene array. Pairwise comparisons and phylogeny of genome-encoded proteins showed that PYVV shares significant homology with other criniviruses but is most closely related to the -vectored . Secondary structure prediction of the 3′-untranslated regions of all three PYVV RNAs revealed four conserved stem–loop structures and a 3′-terminal pseudoknot structure, also predicted for all fully characterized members of the genus and some members of the genera and .


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