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The complete genome sequence of a new isolate of enzootic nasal tumour virus (ENTV-2), associated with enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma (ENA) of goats, was determined. The genome exhibits a genetic organization characteristic of -retroviruses. ENTV-2 is closely related to the retrovirus (ENTV-1) associated with enzootic adenocarcinoma of sheep, and to jaagsiekte retrovirus. The main sequence differences between these viruses reside in , the U3 LTR, two small regions in and the transmembrane (TM) region of . Sequence analysis of the TM region of from several sheep and goats naturally affected by ENA suggested that ENTV-1 and ENTV-2 are distinct viruses rather than geographical variants. Although both viruses transform secretory epithelial cells of the ethmoid turbinate, the study of their tissue distribution using specific PCRs showed that ENTV-2 establishes a disseminated lymphoid infection whereas ENTV-1 is mainly confined to the tumour.


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