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The coupling of mRNA processing steps is essential for precise and efficient gene expression. The human transcription/export (hTREX) complex is a highly conserved multi-protein complex responsible for eukaryotic mRNA stability and nuclear export. We have previously shown that the Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated open reading frame 57 (ORF57) protein orchestrates the recruitment of the hTREX complex onto viral intronless mRNA, forming a stable and export-competent viral ribonucleoprotein particle (vRNP). Recently, additional cellular proteins, namely CHTOP, CIP29 and POLDIP3 have been proposed as novel hTREX components. Herein, we extend our previous research and provide evidence that ORF57 interacts with CHTOP and CIP29, in contrast to POLDIP3. Moreover, depletion studies show both CHTOP and CIP29 effect ORF57-mediated viral mRNA processing. As such, these results suggest both CHTOP and CIP29 are hTREX components and are recruited to an ORF57-mediated vRNP.

Keyword(s): hTREX , KSHV and mRNA processing

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