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The sequence of the 3′-terminal 2424 nucleotides of RNA-2 of the flowering cherry strain of strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRV) was determined from cDNA clones. The sequence contains a reading frame in the virus-sense strand of 2070 nucleotides, a 3′ untranslated region of 552 nucleotides and a 3′-terminal poly(A) tract. The positions of the two coat proteins of SLRV within the reading frame were determined from sequence data obtained by N-terminal sequencing using Edman degradation. The larger coat protein with an of 43K is located 5′ of the smaller coat protein of 27K, and the two proteins are apparently cleaved at a Ser-Gly bond. Although there are numerous similarities between SLRV and the nepoviruses and comoviruses, there is no significant homology between the SLRV coat proteins and the coat proteins of either group. Furthermore, the hydropathy profiles of the SLRV coat proteins are unlike those of either group. No comparisons could be made with the fabaviruses owing to lack of sequencing information. This lack of homology suggests that SLRV is more distantly related to the nepoviruses and comoviruses than has been considered previously.


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