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We describe the analysis of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) latency-associated transcript (LAT) promoter using an HSV-1-based vector system. Sequences under investigation for LAT promoter activity were analysed for their ability to direct chloramphenicol acetyltrans-ferase gene expression, either in transfection assays or following their insertion into an HSV-1 vector from which the endogenous LAT promoter sequences had been removed. The analysis mapped the main determinants of LAT promoter activity during lytic infection of tissue culture cells to a 277 bp region between −279 and − 2 relative to the recognized 5′ end of the primary 8·3 kb transcript. The LAT promoter constructs behaved similarly in the context of the virus genome and in the plasmid-based transfection assays. Comparison of the relative activities following infection of fibroblast and neuroblastoma cell lines indicates that sequences upstream from −279 are important for LAT promoter activity in neurons.


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