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The dsDNA of rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) has two discontinuities, one on each strand, each in a specific position as found in other pararetroviruses. The 5′ end of discontinuity 1 was mapped to nucleotide 1 of the published RTBV DNA sequence which suggests that tRNA serves as a primer for negative strand DNA synthesis. This 5′ terminus contains up to two ribonucleotides and the 3′ terminus overlaps it by five to 25 nucleotides. The discontinuity 2 (D2) did not map to a purine-rich region as has been found in other similar viruses. Both the 5′ and 3′ termini of D2 were heterogeneous in position giving structures varying from a gap of 10 nucleotides to an overlap of 103 nucleotides.


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