

Many health issues are associated with deprivation and some evidence exists that antimicrobial prescribing is higher in deprived groups. This study examined the relationship between antimicrobial resistance in E coli isolates from the population of the Scottish Borders and deprivation as assessed by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.


Data regarding urine samples submitted for diagnostic purposes which had been reported as growing E coli was extracted. Antimicrobials for which susceptibility testing had been performed were mapped to standardised antimicrobial categories definitions to produce an index of overall antimicrobial resistance. UK postcode data linked to the specimen data was mapped to data zones. The proportion of isolates within each datazone with different categories of overall resistance was calculated and plotted against its associated Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation decile.


No association was found between overall antimicrobial resistance in urinary isolates and SIMD.


During this time period in the Scottish Borders, antimicrobial resistance in does not show an association with deprivation.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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