
Denture stomatitis is a common infection in denture wearers. This study evaluated the recovery of spp. from the palate of Wistar rats after using an acrylic device with single and mixed-species of spp. After approval of the Ethics Committee, 84 male and female Wistar rats were used. Custom-made acrylic devices were fabricated for each animal and sterilized by microwave irradiation. Single and mixed species biofilms of (Ca), (Cg), and (Ct) were grown on the devices for 48 h at 37°C. Rats were anesthetized and the devices were cemented on the molar teeth (n=5 for each sex and spp.). Rats received a carbohydrate-rich diet. Single and mixed species were inoculated in the oral cavity thrice after three-day intervals. Controls received only dentures without Candida spp. After 4 weeks, the devices were removed, the palates were swabbed, and diluted samples were plated on Agar Sabouraud Dextrose and CHROMAgar Candida for colony counting and presumptive identification, respectively, after 48 h. Data were analyzed by 3way ANOVA (α=5%). There was a significant interaction (p=0.003) between sex and species. For females, all groups recovered significant values (p≤0.027) compared with controls. For males, groups with Ct as single and dual-species showed the lowest values without difference (p≥0.183) with the control. The groups with triple-species showed the highest values but without difference (p≥0.071) with the groups with single and dual-species, except males with Ct. Ct alone showed reduced recovery from palate of male rats.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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