
Understanding the link between the human gut virome and diseases has garnered significant interest in the research community. Extracting virus-related information from metagenomic sequencing data is crucial for unravelling virus composition, host interactions, and disease associations. However, current metagenomic analysis workflows for viral genomes vary in effectiveness, posing challenges for researchers seeking the most up-to-date tools. To address this, we present ViromeFlowX, a user-friendly Nextflow workflow that automates viral genome assembly, identification, classification, and annotation. This streamlined workflow integrates cutting-edge tools for processing raw sequencing data for taxonomic annotation and functional analysis. Application to a dataset of 200 metagenomic samples yielded high-quality viral genomes. ViromeFlowX enables efficient mining of viral genomic data, offering a valuable resource to investigate the gut virome’s role in virus-host interactions and virus-related diseases.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This article was made open access via a Publish and Read agreement between the Microbiology Society and the corresponding author’s institution.

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