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Complete Type VI Secretion Systems were identified in the genome sequence data of isolates sourced from throat swabs of human volunteers. The previous report was the first to describe two complete Type VI Secretion Systems in these isolates, both of which were distinct in terms of their gene organization and sequence homology. Since publication of the first report, Type VI Secretion System subtypes have been identified in spp. The characteristics of each type in are further investigated here and in the context of the other spp., including identification of the lineages containing the different types and subtypes. Type VI Secretion Systems use VgrG for delivery of toxin effector proteins; several copies of and associated effector / immunity pairs are present in spp. Based on sequence similarity between strains and species, these core Type VI Secretion System genes, , and effector / immunity genes may diversify via horizontal gene transfer, an instrument for gene acquisition and repair in spp.

This study was supported by the:
  • Kingston University (Award School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy, and Chemistry)
    • Principle Award Recipient: AlanCalder
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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