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is an encapsulated budding yeast that is a common cause of opportunistic infections, rarely giving rise to cellulitis, vasculitis or fasciitis. Necrotizing fasciitis caused by is a rare but serious problem in post‐transplant immunosuppression.

Case presentation:

We report a case of cryptococcal necrotizing fasciitis in the left adductor longus of a patient on immunosuppressive therapy. The patient’s medical history was significant for orthotopic heart transplant secondary to cardiac and systemic amyloidosis (AL type) with subsequent cardiac biopsy demonstrating mild rejection (grade 1R). A thigh muscle biopsy demonstrated numerous encapsulated fungi in the fascia and no evidence of myositis. Cryptococcal antigen was subsequently identified in the patient’s serum and cerebrospinal fluid. The patient progressed to involvement of the central nervous system, left biceps femoris and skin of the left lower leg by fluconazole‐resistant .


This case illustrates a rare initial presentation of disseminated fluconazole‐resistant as an isolated necrotizing fasciitis of the thigh. Necrotizing fungal fasciitis should be considered in immunosuppressed patients with clinical findings of either myositis or cellulitis of a lower extremity.

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