
Rodents are the largest mammalian order (Rodentia) and are extraordinarily diverse. Several rodent species are closely relevant to humans, such as destroying agricultural products and spreading viral pathogens. Rodents are essential reservoirs for zoonotic viruses, with notable instances including the Lassa virus and hantaviruses. A few characteristics of rodents, such as the number of species, colonial, population communities, and immune response, make them an exquisitely suitable essential reservoir of viruses. Mainly infecting humans reflects direct contact with wildlife, including secretion and body fluids. Here, the author summarises the current understanding of the virome diversity in rodents and their zoonotic viral infectious diseases. However, a significant consideration is that although rodents maintain multiple viruses, some rodent viruses have not caused human disease.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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