- Volume 168, Issue 4, 2022
Volume 168, Issue 4, 2022
- Reviews
Presence and absence of type VI secretion systems in bacteria
More LessThe type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a molecular puncturing device that enables Gram-negative bacteria to kill competitors, manipulate host cells and take up nutrients. Who would want to miss such superpowers? Indeed, many studies show how widespread the secretion apparatus is among microbes. However, it is becoming evident that, on multiple taxonomic levels, from phyla to species and strains, some bacteria lack a T6SS. Here, we review who does and does not have a type VI secretion apparatus and speculate on the dynamic process of gaining and losing the secretion system to better understand its spread and distribution across the microbial world.
A tale of two habitats: Bacteroides fragilis, a lethal pathogen and resident in the human gastrointestinal microbiome
More LessBacteroides fragilis is an obligately anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium and a major colonizer of the human large colon where Bacteroides is a predominant genus. During the growth of an individual clonal population, an astonishing number of reversible DNA inversion events occur, driving within-strain diversity. Additionally, the B. fragilis pan-genome contains a large pool of diverse polysaccharide biosynthesis loci, DNA restriction/modification systems and polysaccharide utilization loci, which generates remarkable between-strain diversity. Diversity clearly contributes to the success of B. fragilis within its normal habitat of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and during infection in the extra-intestinal host environment. Within the GI tract, B. fragilis is usually symbiotic, for example providing localized nutrients for the gut epithelium, but B. fragilis within the GI tract may not always be benign. Metalloprotease toxin production is strongly associated with colorectal cancer. B. fragilis is unique amongst bacteria; some strains export a protein >99 % structurally similar to human ubiquitin and antigenically cross-reactive, which suggests a link to autoimmune diseases. B. fragilis is not a primary invasive enteric pathogen; however, if colonic contents contaminate the extra-intestinal host environment, it successfully adapts to this new habitat and causes infection; classically peritoneal infection arising from rupture of an inflamed appendix or GI surgery, which if untreated, can progress to bacteraemia and death. In this review selected aspects of B. fragilis adaptation to the different habitats of the GI tract and the extra-intestinal host environment are considered, along with the considerable challenges faced when studying this highly variable bacterium.
Remodelling of the Gram-negative bacterial Kdo2-lipid A and its functional implications
More LessThe lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a characteristic molecule of the outer leaflet of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane, which consists of lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and O antigen. The lipid A is embedded in outer membrane and provides an efficient permeability barrier, which is particularly important to reduce the permeability of antibiotics, toxic cationic metals, and antimicrobial peptides. LPS, an important modulator of innate immune responses ranging from localized inflammation to disseminated sepsis, displays a high level of structural and functional heterogeneity, which arise due to regulated differences in the acylation of the lipid A and the incorporation of non-stoichiometric modifications in lipid A and the core oligosaccharide. This review focuses on the current mechanistic understanding of the synthesis and assembly of the lipid A molecule and its most salient non-stoichiometric modifications.
Role of horizontally transferred copper resistance genes in Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes
Bacteria have evolved mechanisms which enable them to control intracellular concentrations of metals. In the case of transition metals, such as copper, iron and zinc, bacteria must ensure enough is available as a cofactor for enzymes whilst at the same time preventing the accumulation of excess concentrations, which can be toxic. Interestingly, metal homeostasis and resistance systems have been found to play important roles in virulence. This review will discuss the copper homeostasis and resistance systems in Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes and the implications that acquisition of additional copper resistance genes may have in these pathogens.
Microcins reveal natural mechanisms of bacterial manipulation to inform therapeutic development
More LessMicrocins are an understudied and poorly characterized class of antimicrobial peptides. Despite the existence of only 15 examples, all identified from the Enterobacteriaceae , microcins display diversity in sequence, structure, target cell uptake, cytotoxic mechanism of action and target specificity. Collectively, these features describe some of the unique means nature has contrived for molecules to cross the ‘impermeable’ barrier of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane and inflict cytotoxic effects. Microcins appear to be widely dispersed among different species and in different environments, where they function in regulating microbial communities in diverse ways, including through competition. Growing evidence suggests that microcins may be adapted for therapeutic uses such as antimicrobial drugs, microbiome modulators or facilitators of peptide uptake into cells. Advancing our biological, ecological and biochemical understanding of the roles of microcins in bacterial interactions, and learning how to regulate and modify microcin activity, is essential to enable such therapeutic applications.
Of zones, bridges and chaperones – phospholipid transport in bacterial outer membrane assembly and homeostasis
More LessThe outer membrane (OM) is a formidable permeability barrier that protects Gram-negative bacteria from detergents and antibiotics. It possesses exquisite lipid asymmetry, requiring the placement and retention of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the outer leaflet, and phospholipids (PLs) in the inner leaflet. To establish OM lipid asymmetry, LPS are transported from the inner membrane (IM) directly to the outer leaflet of the OM. In contrast, mechanisms for PL trafficking across the cell envelope are much less understood. In this review, we summarize and discuss recent advances in our understanding of PL transport, making parallel comparisons to well-established pathways for OM lipoprotein (Lol) and LPS (Lpt). Insights into putative PL transport systems highlight possible connections back to the ‘Bayer bridges’, adhesion zones between the IM and the OM that had been observed more than 50 years ago, and proposed as passages for export of OM components, including LPS and PLs.
Stress response modulation: the key to survival of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria during poultry processing
More LessThe control of bacterial contaminants on meat is a key area of interest in the food industry. Bacteria are exposed to a variety of stresses during broiler processing which challenge bacterial structures and metabolic pathways causing death or sublethal injury. To counter these stresses, bacteria possess robust response systems that can induce shifts in the transcriptome and proteome to enable survival. Effective adaptive responses, such as biofilm formation, shock protein production and metabolic flexibility, require rapid induction and implementation at a cellular and community level to facilitate bacterial survival in adverse conditions. This review aims to provide an overview of the scientific literature pertaining to the regulation of complex adaptive processes used by bacteria to survive the processing environment, with particular focus on species that impact the quality and safety of poultry products like Campylobacter spp., Salmonella enterica and Pseudomonas spp.
- Microbe Profiles
Microbe Profile: Salinispora tropica: natural products and the evolution of a unique marine bacterium
More LessSalinispora tropica was originally cultured from tropical marine sediments and described as the first obligate marine actinomycete genus. Soon after its discovery, it yielded the potent proteasome inhibitor salinosporamide A, a structurally novel natural product that is currently in phase III clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. If approved, it will be the first natural product derived from a cultured marine microbe to achieve clinical relevance. S. tropica produces many other biologically active natural products, including some linked to chemical defence, thus providing ecological context for their production. However, genomic analyses reveal that most natural product biosynthetic gene clusters remain orphan, suggesting that more compounds await discovery. The abundance of biosynthetic gene clusters in S. tropica supports the concept that the small molecules they encode serve important ecological functions, while their evolutionary histories suggest a potential role in promoting diversification. Better insights into the ecological functions of microbial natural products will help inform future discovery efforts.
- Antimicrobials and AMR
Inhibition of Streptococcus pneumoniae growth by masarimycin
Despite renewed interest, development of chemical biology methods to study peptidoglycan metabolism has lagged in comparison to the glycobiology field in general. To address this, a panel of diamides were screened against the Gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae to identify inhibitors of bacterial growth. The screen identified the diamide masarimycin as a bacteriostatic inhibitor of S. pneumoniae growth with an MIC of 8 µM. The diamide inhibited detergent-induced autolysis in a concentration-dependent manner, indicating perturbation of peptidoglycan degradation as the mode-of-action. Cell based screening of masarimycin against a panel of autolysin mutants, identified a higher MIC against a ΔlytB strain lacking an endo-N-acetylglucosaminidase involved in cell division. Subsequent biochemical and phenotypic analyses suggested that the higher MIC was due to an indirect interaction with LytB. Further analysis of changes to the cell surface in masarimycin treated cells identified the overexpression of several moonlighting proteins, including elongation factor Tu which is implicated in regulating cell shape. Checkerboard assays using masarimycin in concert with additional antibiotics identified an antagonistic relationship with the cell wall targeting antibiotic fosfomycin, which further supports a cell wall mode-of-action.
- Microbial Cell Surfaces
Topology of the Shigella flexneri Enterobacterial Common Antigen polymerase WzyE
More LessEnterobacteriales have evolved a specialized outer membrane polysaccharide [Enterobacterial Common Antigen (ECA)] which allows them to persist in various environmental niches. Biosynthesis of ECA initiates on the cytoplasmic leaflet of the inner membrane (IM) where glycosyltransferases assemble ECA repeat units (RUs). Complete RUs are then translocated across the IM and assembled into polymers by ECA-specific homologues of the Wzy-dependent pathway. Consisting of the membrane proteins Wzx, Wzy and Wzz, the Wzy-dependent pathway is the most common polysaccharide biosynthetic pathway in Gram-negative bacteria where it is most notably involved in LPS O antigen (Oag) biosynthesis. As such, the majority of research directed towards these proteins has been orientated towards Oag biosynthetic homologues with little directed towards ECA homologues. Belonging to the Shape, Elongation, Division and Sporulation (SEDS) protein family, Wzy proteins are polymerases, and are characterized as possessing little or no peptide homology among homologues as well as being polytopic membrane proteins with functionally relevant residues within periplasmic loops, as defined by C-terminal reporter fusion topology mapping. Here, we present the first the first major study into the ECA polymerase WzyE. Multiple sequence alignments and topology mapping showed that WzyE is unlike WzyB proteins involved with Oag biosynthesis WzyE displays high peptide conservation across Enterobacteriales. In silico structures and reporter mapping allowed us to identify possible functionally conserved residues with WzyESF’s periplasmic loops, which we showed were crucial for its function. This work provides novel insight into Wzy proteins and suggests that WzyE is an optimal model to investigate Wzy proteins and the Wzy-dependent pathway.
- Microbial Interactions and Communities (formerly Host-Microbe Interaction)
Spatial variation in microbial communities associated with sea-ice algae in Commonwealth Bay, East Antarctica
Antarctic sea-ice forms a complex and dynamic system that drives many ecological processes in the Southern Ocean. Sea-ice microalgae and their associated microbial communities are understood to influence nutrient flow and allocation in marine polar environments. Sea-ice microalgae and their microbiota can have high seasonal and regional (>1000 km2) compositional and abundance variation, driven by factors modulating their growth, symbiotic interactions and function. In contrast, our knowledge of small-scale variation in these communities is limited. Understanding variation across multiple scales and its potential drivers is critical for informing on how multiple stressors impact sea-ice communities and the functions they provide. Here, we characterized bacterial communities associated with sea-ice microalgae and the potential drivers that influence their variation across a range of spatial scales (metres to >10 kms) in a previously understudied area in Commonwealth Bay, East Antarctica where anomalous events have substantially and rapidly expanded local sea-ice coverage. We found a higher abundance and different composition of bacterial communities living in sea-ice microalgae closer to the shore compared to those further from the coast. Variation in community structure increased linearly with distance between samples. Ice thickness and depth to the seabed were found to be poor predictors of these communities. Further research on the small-scale environmental drivers influencing these communities is needed to fully understand how large-scale regional events can affect local function and ecosystem processes.
Ruminococcus bromii enables the growth of proximal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron by releasing glucose during starch degradation
Complex carbohydrates shape the gut microbiota, and the collective fermentation of resistant starch by gut microbes positively affects human health through enhanced butyrate production. The keystone species Ruminococcus bromii (Rb) is a specialist in degrading resistant starch; its degradation products are used by other bacteria including Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt). We analysed the metabolic and spatial relationships between Rb and Bt during potato starch degradation and found that Bt utilizes glucose that is released from Rb upon degradation of resistant potato starch and soluble potato amylopectin. Additionally, we found that Rb produces a halo of glucose around it when grown on solid media containing potato amylopectin and that Bt cells deficient for growth on potato amylopectin (∆sus Bt) can grow within the halo. Furthermore, when these ∆sus Bt cells grow within this glucose halo, they have an elongated cell morphology. This long-cell phenotype depends on the glucose concentration in the solid media: longer Bt cells are formed at higher glucose concentrations. Together, our results indicate that starch degradation by Rb cross-feeds other bacteria in the surrounding region by releasing glucose. Our results also elucidate the adaptive morphology of Bt cells under different nutrient and physiological conditions.
- Microbial Evolution
Symbiont-mediated immune priming in animals through an evolutionary lens
More LessProtective symbionts can defend hosts from parasites through several mechanisms, from direct interference to modulating host immunity, with subsequent effects on host and parasite fitness. While research on symbiont-mediated immune priming (SMIP) has focused on ecological impacts and agriculturally important organisms, the evolutionary implications of SMIP are less clear. Here, we review recent advances made in elucidating the ecological and molecular mechanisms by which SMIP occurs. We draw on current works to discuss the potential for this phenomenon to drive host, parasite, and symbiont evolution. We also suggest approaches that can be used to address questions regarding the impact of immune priming on host-microbe dynamics and population structures. Finally, due to the transient nature of some symbionts involved in SMIP, we discuss what it means to be a protective symbiont from ecological and evolutionary perspectives and how such interactions can affect long-term persistence of the symbiosis.
- Microbial Physiology, Biochemistry and Metabolism
The FocA channel functions to maintain intracellular formate homeostasis during Escherichia coli fermentation
More LessFocA translocates formate/formic acid bi-directionally across the cytoplasmic membrane when Escherichia coli grows by fermentation. It remains unclear, however, what physiological benefit is imparted by FocA, because formic acid (pK a=3.75) can diffuse passively across the membrane, especially at low pH. Here, we monitored changes in intra- and extracellular formate levels during batch-culture fermentation, comparing a parental E. coli K-12 strain with its isogenic focA mutant. Our results show that, regardless of the initial pH in the culture, FocA functions to maintain relatively constant intracellular formate levels during growth. Analysis of a strain synthesizing a FocAT91A variant with an exchange in a conserved threonine residue within the translocation pore revealed the strain accumulated formate intracellularly and imported formate poorly, but in a pH-dependent manner, which was different to uptake by native FocA. We conclude that FocA maintains formate homeostasis, using different mechanisms for efflux and uptake of the anion.
- Microbial Physiology, Biochemistry and Metabolism (formerly Physiology and Metabolism)
Cg1246, a new player in mycolic acid biosynthesis in Corynebacterium glutamicum
Mycolic acids are key components of the complex cell envelope of Corynebacteriales . These fatty acids, conjugated to trehalose or to arabinogalactan form the backbone of the mycomembrane. While mycolic acids are essential to the survival of some species, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis , their absence is not lethal for Corynebacterium glutamicum, which has been extensively used as a model to depict their biosynthesis. Mycolic acids are first synthesized on the cytoplasmic side of the inner membrane and transferred onto trehalose to give trehalose monomycolate (TMM). TMM is subsequently transported to the periplasm by dedicated transporters and used by mycoloyltransferase enzymes to synthesize all the other mycolate-containing compounds. Using a random transposition mutagenesis, we recently identified a new uncharacterized protein (Cg1246) involved in mycolic acid metabolism. Cg1246 belongs to the DUF402 protein family that contains some previously characterized nucleoside phosphatases. In this study, we performed a functional and structural characterization of Cg1246. We showed that absence of the protein led to a significant reduction in the pool of TMM in C. glutamicum , resulting in a decrease in all other mycolate-containing compounds. We found that, in vitro, Cg1246 has phosphatase activity on organic pyrophosphate substrates but is most likely not a nucleoside phosphatase. Using a computational approach, we identified important residues for phosphatase activity and constructed the corresponding variants in C. glutamicum . Surprisingly complementation with these non-functional proteins fully restored the defect in TMM of the Δcg1246 mutant strain, suggesting that in vivo, the phosphatase activity is not involved in mycolic acid biosynthesis.
The role of nitrogen-responsive regulators in controlling inorganic polyphosphate synthesis in Escherichia coli
More LessInorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is synthesized by bacteria under stressful environmental conditions and acts by a variety of mechanisms to promote cell survival. While the kinase that synthesizes polyP (PPK, encoded by the ppk gene) is well known, ppk transcription is not activated by environmental stress and little is understood about how environmental stress signals lead to polyP accumulation. Previous work has shown that the transcriptional regulators DksA, RpoN (σ54) and RpoE (σ24) positively regulate polyP production, but not ppk transcription, in Escherichia coli . In this work, we examine the role of the alternative sigma factor RpoN and nitrogen starvation stress response pathways in controlling polyP synthesis. We show that the RpoN enhancer binding proteins GlnG and GlrR impact polyP production, and uncover a new role for the nitrogen phosphotransferase regulator PtsN (EIIANtr) as a positive regulator of polyP production, acting upstream of DksA, downstream of RpoN and apparently independently of RpoE. However, neither these regulatory proteins nor common nitrogen metabolites appear to act directly on PPK, and the precise mechanism(s) by which polyP production is modulated after stress remain(s) unclear. Unexpectedly, we also found that the genes that impact polyP production vary depending on the composition of the rich media in which the cells were grown before exposure to polyP-inducing stress. These results constitute progress towards deciphering the regulatory networks driving polyP production under stress, and highlight the remarkable complexity of this regulation and its connections to a broad range of stress-sensing pathways.
- Microbial Virulence and Pathogenesis
Virulence gene mutations as a differentiator of clinical phenotypes: insights from community-acquired uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) remains an important cause of urinary tract infection during pregnancy. Multiple molecular virulence determinants and antibiotic resistant genes facilitate its pathogenesis and virulence phenotype. Hence it is hypothesized that there will be considerable variation in genes among the isolates from symptomatic as well as asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to decipher the genetic variation among the two phenotypes. Six different UPEC isolates collected from urine specimens of consecutive pregnant females (five, symptomatic bacteriuria and one, ABU) were tested for their growth kinetics, and biofilm formation. A total of 87 virulence determinants and 56 antibiotic resistance genes were investigated using whole-genome sequencing, to identify putative drives of virulence phenotype. In this analysis, we identified eight different types of fully functional toxin antitoxin (TA) systems [HipAB, YefM-YoeB, YeeU-YeeV (CbtA), YhaV-PrlF, ChpBS, HigAB, YgiUT and HicAB] in the isolates from symptomatic bacteriuria; whereas partially functional TA system with mutations were observed in the asymptomatic one. Isolates of both the groups showed equivalent growth characteristics and biofilm-formation ability. Genes for an iron transport system (Efe UOB system, Fhu system except FhuA) were observed functional among all symptomatic and asymptomatic isolates, however functional mutations were observed in the latter group. Gene YidE was observed predominantly associated with the biofilm formation along with few other genes (BssR, BssS, YjgK, etc.). This study outlines putative critical relevance of specific variations in the genes for the TA system, biofilm formation, cell adhesion and colonization among UPEC isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic bacteriuria among pregnant women. Further functional genomic study in the same cohort is warranted to establish the pathogenic role of these genes.
Comparison of Vibrio coralliilyticus virulence in Pacific oyster larvae and corals
More LessThe bacterium Vibrio coralliilyticus has been implicated in mass mortalities of corals and shellfish larvae. However, using corals for manipulative infection experiments can be logistically difficult compared to other model organisms, so we aimed to establish oyster larvae infections as a proxy model. Therefore, this study assessed the virulence of six wild-type V. coralliilyticus strains, and mutants of one strain with deletions of known virulence factors, between Pacific oyster larvae (Crassostrea gigas) and Hawaiian rice coral (Montipora capitata) infection systems. The wild-type strains tested displayed variable virulence in each system, but virulence levels between hosts were not necessarily comparable. Strains RE98 and OCN008 maintained a medium to high level of virulence across hosts and appeared to be more generalist pathogens. Strain H1, in contrast, was avirulent towards coral but displayed a medium level of virulence towards oyster larvae. Interestingly, the BAA-450 type strain had a medium level of virulence towards coral and was the least virulent to oyster larvae. A comparison of known virulence factors determined that the flagellum, motility or chemotaxis, all of which play a significant role in coral infections, were not crucial for oyster infections with strain OCN008. A genomic comparison of the newly sequenced strain H1 with the other strains tested identified 16 genes potentially specific to coral pathogens that were absent in H1. This is both the first comparison of various V. coralliilyticus strains across infection systems and the first investigation of a strain that is non-virulent to coral. Our results indicate that the virulence of V. coralliilyticus strains in coral is not necessarily indicative of virulence in oyster larvae, and that the set of genes tested are not required for virulence in both model systems. This study increases our understanding of the virulence between V. coralliilyticus strains and helps assess their potential threat to marine environments and shellfish industries.
- Regulation, Sensing and Signalling (formerly Regulation)
Regulatory role of CsuR (YiaU) in determination of cell surface properties of Escherichia coli K-12
More LessGenomic SELEX screening was performed to identify the binding sites of YiaU, an uncharacterized LysR family transcription factor, on the Escherichia coli K-12 genome. Five high-affinity binding targets of YiaU were identified, all of which were involved in the structures of the bacterial cell surface such as outer and inner membrane proteins, and lipopolysaccharides. Detailed in vitro and in vivo analyses suggest that YiaU activates these target genes. To gain insight into the effects of YiaU in vivo on physiological properties, we used phenotype microarrays, biofilm screening assays and the sensitivity against serum complement analysed using a yiaU deletion mutant or YiaU expression strain. Together, these results suggest that the YiaU regulon confers resistance to some antibiotics, and increases biofilm formation and complement sensitivity. We propose renaming YiaU as CsuR (regulator of cell surface).
Deletion of FRT-sites by no-SCAR recombineering in Escherichia coli
More LessLambda-Red recombineering is the most commonly used method to create point mutations, insertions or deletions in Escherichia coli and other bacteria, but usually an Flp recognition target (FRT) scar-site is retained in the genome. Alternative scarless recombineering methods, including CRISPR/Cas9-assisted methods, generally require cloning steps and/or complex PCR schemes for specific targeting of the genome. Here we describe the deletion of FRT scar-sites by the scarless Cas9-assisted recombineering method no-SCAR using an FRT-specific guide RNA, sgRNAFRT, and locus-specific ssDNA oligonucleotides. We applied this method to construct a scarless E. coli strain suitable for gradual induction by l-arabinose. Genome sequencing of the resulting strain and its parent strains demonstrated that no additional mutations were introduced along with the simultaneous deletion of two FRT scar-sites. The FRT-specific no-SCAR selection by sgRNAFRT/Cas9 may be generally applicable to cure FRT scar-sites of E. coli strains constructed by classical λ-Red recombineering.
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