- Volume 135, Issue 1, 1989
Volume 135, Issue 1, 1989
- Physiology And Growth
Purification and Some Properties of Two Forms of Chitinase from Mycelial Cells of Mucor rouxii
More LessChitinase activity was measured in extracts of mycelial cells of Mucor rouxii as a function of the culture age. There was a peak of specific activity at the mid-exponential phase of growth (10 h), which paralleled chitin synthase activity. An additional peak of chitinase with higher specific activity was detected in 4 h cultures, which coincided with the onset of germination. Purification of chitinase activities from the cytoplasm revealed two enzymes, I and II, with different molecular mass and ionic charge. Antibodies induced with chitinase I did not cross-react with chitnase II. Both enzymes digested nascent chitin preferentially over preformed chitin, yielding diacetylchitobiose as the sole product of hydrolysis.
- Systematics
New Probability Matrices for Identification of Streptomyces
More LessThe character state data obtained for clusters defined in a previous phenetic classification were used to construct two probabilistic matrices for Streptomyces species. These superseded an original published identification matrix by exclusion of other genera and the inclusion of more Streptomyces species. Separate matrices were constructed for major and minor clusters. The minimum number of diagnostic characters for each matrix was selected by computer programs for determination of character separation indices (charsep) and a selection of group diagnostic properties (diachar). The resulting matrices consisted of 26 phena × 50 characters (major clusters) and 28 phena × 39 characters (minor clusters). Cluster overlap (overmat program) was small in both matrices. Identification scores were used to evaluate both matrices. The theoretically best scores for the most typical example of each cluster (mosttyp program) were all satisfactory. Input of test data for randomly selected cluster representatives resulted in correct identification with high scores. The major cluster matrix was shown to be practically sound by its application to 35 unknown soil isolates, 77% of which were clearly identified. The minor cluster matrix provides tentative probabilistic identifications as the small number of strains in each cluster reduces its ability to withstand test variation. A diagnostic table for single-membered clusters, constructed using the charsep and diachar programs, was also produced.
Comparative Electrophoretic Polymorphism of Esterases and Other Enzymes in Escherichia coli
Ph Goullet and B. PicardThe electrophoretic polymorphism of esterases was compared with that of other enzymes in Escherichia coli populations by investigating allozyme distribution of four esterases (A, B, C and I) within both the subspecific groups I, II and III and the new groups A, B1, B2, C, D and E, which have been distinguished by electrophoretic analysis of 11 and 35 enzymes respectively in the 72 reference strains of the ECOR collection. Electrophoretic distribution of esterases was distinct for each of the three subspecific groups as indicated by distributions of allozymes and electrophoretic types (distinctive combination of allozyme for the four esterases). Esterase polymorphisms of the three subspecific groups appeared to have similar features to those of three previously studied natural populations of strains obtained from human and animal gastrointestinal tracts and extra-intestinal infections in humans. Multiple correspondence analyses using data obtained from the four esterases and the 11 other enzymes also distinguished the groups A, B1, B2, C, D and E. All strains of group B2 showed the B2 electrophoretic pattern of esterase B, which appeared to be a marker of a distinct cluster of strains frequently implicated in extra-intestinal infections.
- Corrigendum
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