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Analysis of the response to arginine of the K-12 transcriptome by microarray hybridization and real-time quantitative PCR provides the first coherent quantitative picture of the ArgR-mediated repression of arginine biosynthesis and uptake genes. Transcriptional repression was shown to be the major control mechanism of the biosynthetic genes, leaving only limited room for additional transcriptional or post-transcriptional regulation. The genes, encoding the specific arginine uptake system, are subject to ArgR-mediated repression, with strong repression of , encoding the periplasmic binding protein of the system. The genes of the histidine transporter (part of the lysine-arginine-ornithine uptake system) were discovered to be a part of the arginine regulon. Analysis of their control region with reporter gene fusions and electrophoretic mobility shift in the presence of pure ArgR repressor showed the involvement in repression of the ArgR protein and an ARG box 120 bp upstream of . No repression of the genes of the third uptake system, arginine-ornithine, was observed. Finally, comparison of the time course of arginine repression of gene transcription with the evolution of the specific activities of the cognate enzymes showed that while full genetic repression was achieved 2 min after arginine addition, enzyme concentrations were diluted at the rate of cell division. This emphasizes the importance of feedback inhibition of the first enzymic step in the pathway in controlling the metabolic flow through biosynthesis in the period following the onset of repression.


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