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This report shows that Salmonella enterica catabolizes ethanolamine to acetyl-CoA (Ac-CoA), which enters the glyoxylate bypass and tricarboxylic acid cycle for the generation of energy and central metabolites. During growth on ethanolamine, S. enterica excreted acetate, whose recapture depended on Ac-CoA synthetase (Acs) and the housekeeping phosphotransacetylase (Pta) enzyme activities. The Pta enzyme did not play a role in acetate excretion during growth of S. enterica on ethanolamine. It is proposed that during growth on ethanolamine, acetate excretion is necessary to maintain a pool of free CoA. Acetate excretion requires the eut operon-encoded phosphotransacetylase (EutD) and acetate kinase (Ack) enzymes. EutD function was not required for growth on ethanolamine, and an eutD strain showed only a slight reduction in growth rate. The existence of an as-yet-unidentified system that releases acetate was revealed during growth of a strain lacking Acs, the housekeeping phosphotransacetylase (Pta), and EutD. The functions of pyruvate oxidase (PoxB), Ack and STM3118 protein [a homologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ac-CoA hydrolase (Ach1p) enzyme] were not involved in the release of acetate by the acs pta eutD strain.
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