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Coenzyme F is the central low-redox-potential electron carrier in methanogenic metabolism. The coenzyme is reduced under hydrogen by the action of F-dependent hydrogenase. The standard free-energy change at pH 7 of F reduction was determined to be −15 kJ mol, irrespective of the temperature (25–65 °C). Experiments performed with methane-forming cell suspensions of incubated under various conditions demonstrated that the ratios of reduced and oxidized F were in thermodynamic equilibrium with the gas-phase hydrogen partial pressures. During growth in a fed-batch fermenter, ratios changed in connection with the decrease in dissolved hydrogen. For most of the time, the changes were as expected for thermodynamic equilibrium between the oxidation state of F inside the cells and extracellular hydrogen. Also, methanol-metabolizing, but not acetate-converting, cells of maintained the ratios of reduced and oxidized coenzyme F in thermodynamic equilibrium with external hydrogen. The results of the study demonstrate that F is a useful probe to assess hydrogen concentrations in H-metabolizing methanogens.


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