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Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against were obtained by the fusion of SP2/0-Ag14 murine myeloma cells and spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with a whole-bacterial-cell suspension (WC) of strain SW124 (serotype 4). Two MAbs showing strong reactivity in ELISA were further characterized using SDS-PAGE and Western-blot assays. Different treatments of the WC indicated that MAbs 4D5 and 4G9 identified epitopes of proteinic and polysaccharidic nature, respectively. Electron microscopic examination revealed that, unlike the proteinic epitopes, the lipopolysaccharidic epitopes were exposed on the surface of the cell. Using coagglutination, Western-blot and dot-blot assays it was found that both MAbs recognized common epitopes of all the reference strains and field isolates of . None of the other bacteria tested reacted with the MAbs. These results indicated that both the proteinic and polysaccharidic antigens carried species-specific epitopes. It is suggested that these MAbs may potentially be useful for identification of isolates as well as for developing serological diagnostic tools. MAbs 4D5 and 4G9 were unable to kill in the presence of complement. However, an enhanced bacterial clearance from blood was observed in mice inoculated with either of the MAbs. Highly significant protection was observed in mice using MAb 4G9. This is believed to be the first report of MAbs capable of identifying common species-specific antigens of and of their implication in protection against challenge infection in mice.


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