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A thermophilic terephthalate-degrading methanogenic consortium was successfully enriched for 272 days in an anaerobic hybrid reactor, and the microbial structure was characterized using terminal RFLPs, clone libraries and fluorescence hybridization with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. All the results suggested that -related methanogens, -related bacterial populations in the Gram-positive low-G+C group, and OP5-related populations were the key members responsible for terephthalate degradation under thermophilic methanogenic conditions except during periods when the reactor experienced heat shock and pump failure. These perturbations caused a significant shift in bacterial population structure in sludge samples taken from the sludge bed but not from the surface of the packing materials. After system recovery, many other bacterial populations emerged, which belonged mainly to the Gram-positive low-G+C group and , as well as -, and . These newly emerged populations were probably also capable of degrading terephthalate in the hybrid system, but were out-competed by those bacterial populations before perturbations.


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