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bearing an amber or disrupted mutation exhibited a significant decrease in the number of colony-forming units (c.f.u.) when exposed to nitrogen starvation, which was not observed in cells bearing a functional allele. The decrease in the number of c.f.u. that was observed about 25 h after initiation of nitrogen starvation was prevented by the addition of nitrogen within 3 h but not by the addition of nitrogen at more than 7 h after the initiation of nitrogen starvation, suggesting that a process leading to a decline in c.f.u. starts within this period. DNA microarray analysis of the mutant showed that a large number of genes including many functionally undefined genes were affected by nitrogen starvation. The expression levels of and regulon genes encoding acid-resistant proteins (, , and ), DNA-binding protein (), chaperones (, , , and ), chaperonins ( and ) and energy-metabolism-related proteins ( and ), and those of other genes encoding nucleotide-metabolism-related proteins ( and ), cell-division protein (), outer-membrane lipoprotein () and DNA-binding protein () were significantly decreased by 10 h nitrogen starvation. The genes encoding transport/binding proteins (, , , , and ) and amino acid-metabolism-related proteins (, , , , , , , , and ) were significantly up-regulated under the same condition, some of which are known Ntr genes expressed under nitrogen limitation. On the basis of these results, possible causes of the decrease in the number of c.f.u. under nitrogen starvation are discussed.


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