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The function of the response regulator DcuR of the DcuSR fumarate two-component sensory system of was analysed . Isolated DcuR protein was phosphorylated by the sensory histidine kinase, DcuS, and ATP, or by acetyl phosphate. In gel retardation assays with target promoters (, , ), phosphoryl DcuR (DcuR-P) formed a high-affinity complex, with an apparent (app. ) of 0·2–0·3 μM DcuR-P, and a low-affinity (app. 0·8–2 μM) complex. The high-affinity complex was formed only with promoters transcriptionally-regulated by DcuSR, whereas low-affinity binding was seen also with some DcuSR-independent promoters. The binding site of DcuR-P at the promoter was determined by DNase I footprinting. One binding site of 42–52 nt (position −359 to −400/−410 nt upstream of the transcriptional start) was identified in the presence of low and high concentrations of DcuR-P. Non-phosphorylated DcuR, or DcuR-D56N mutated in the phosphoryl-accepting Asp56 residue, showed low-affinity binding to target promoters. DcuR-D56N was still able to interact with DcuS. DcuR-D56N increased the phosphorylation of DcuS and competitively inhibited phosphoryl transfer to wild-type DcuR.


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