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Bacteria degrading the quorum-sensing (QS) signal molecule -hexanoylhomoserine lactone were isolated from a tobacco rhizosphere. Twenty-five isolates degrading this homoserine lactone fell into six groups according to their genomic REP-PCR and PCR-RFLP profiles. Representative strains from each group were identified as members of the genera , , and . All these isolates degraded -acylhomoserine lactones other than the hexanoic acid derivative, albeit with different specificity and kinetics. One of these isolates, strain W2, was used to quench QS-regulated functions of other microbes. , W2 strongly interfered with violacein production by , and transfer of pathogenicity in . , W2 markedly reduced the pathogenicity of subsp. in potato tubers. These series of results reveal the diversity of the QS-interfering bacteria in the rhizosphere and demonstrate the validity of targeting QS signal molecules to control pathogens with natural bacterial isolates.


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