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, the causative agent of swine enzootic pneumonia, colonizes the cilia of swine lungs, causing ciliostasis and cell death. is a component of the porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) and is especially problematic for the finishing swine industry, causing the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in farm revenues worldwide. For successful infection, must effectively resist oxidative stresses due to the release of oxidative compounds from neutrophils and macrophages during the host's immune response. However, the mechanism that uses to avert the host response is still unclear. To gain a better understanding of the transcriptional responses of under oxidative stress, cultures were grown to early exponential phase and exposed to 0.5 % hydrogen peroxide for 15 min. RNA samples from these cultures were collected and compared to RNA samples from control cultures using two-colour PCR-based microarrays. This study revealed significant downregulation of important glycolytic pathway genes and gene transcription proteins, as well as a protein known to activate oxidative stressor cascades in neutrophils. Sixty-nine per cent of the upregulated genes were hypothetical with no known function. This study has also revealed significantly differentially expressed genes common to other environmental stress responses, indicating that further investigation of universal stress response genes of is merited.


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