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The level of environmental oxygen (EO) within various infection sites is low (microaerobic), and this can affect the production of different virulence factors. Expression of the gene, encoding exotoxin A (ETA), is regulated by , and . Moreover, the iron-starvation sigma factor PvdS directs the transcription of pyoverdine siderophore genes (e.g. ). DNA–protein binding analysis using recombinant PvdS showed that the PvdS–RNA polymerase holoenzyme complex specifically bound the , and promoter regions. All three promoters contain a PvdS-binding site, the iron-starvation box. To determine the relationship between these different genes and PvdS, we conducted a comparative analysis of , , and transcription throughout the growth cycle of wild-type and its mutant in iron-deficient medium under aerobic-shaking (A-sh) and microaerobic-static (M-st) conditions. Under both EO conditions, optimal , and expression and pyoverdine production required PvdS, while expression was moderately dependent on PvdS only under A-sh conditions. Expression of , and pyoverdine production in wild-type was significantly lower under M-st in comparison with A-sh conditions, while the opposite was observed for and . Although low, the level of expression and ETA production in the mutant were higher under M-st than under A-sh conditions. Transcription of and PvdS expression were also reduced by low EO. We propose that the regulation of expression under aerobic conditions primarily involves PvdS, while an additional EO-responsive regulator(s) besides PvdS is required under low EO levels. Thus, PvdS may control the transcription of the , and genes, and respond to EO by acting at different levels of the regulatory cascade.


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