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In the presence of ammonium ion, strain AV1, a filamentous, heterocystous cyanobacterium isolated from the Baltic Sea, lost aerobic nitrogen-fixation activity while maintaining heterocyst frequency along the filaments. Real-time RT-PCR showed that the expression of (encoding the dinitrogenase reductase component of the nitrogenase enzyme) was suppressed and the levels of NifH protein decreased dramatically in response to treatment with ammonium. On the other hand, (encoding the global nitrogen regulator in cyanobacteria) and (the key regulatory gene in heterocyst differentiation) were expressed and their expression patterns were not affected by the treatment with ammonium. These data demonstrate that strain AV1 maintains heterocyst frequency along the filaments in the presence of ammonium and in the absence of detectable N-fixation activity.

Keyword(s): Chl a, chlorophyll a

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