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Two genes from the halotolerant yeast were cloned, and . These genes encode K transporters with sequence similarities to the TRK and HAK transporters from and . The DhHAK1p transporter was only expressed in K-starved cells, as shown by Northern blot analysis. Both DhTRK1p and DhHAK1p were expressed in a Δ Δ mutant of , unable to grow at low K. This expression resulted in partial recovery of growth and ability to retain K at low concentrations. In liquid media, 0.5 M NaCl affected growth of these transformants as it does in , resulting in a much less deleterious effect than in wild-type . Kinetics of Rb uptake in the transformants suggest that DhTRK1p and DhHAK1p code for moderate-affinity K transporters exhibiting a sigmoid response against Rb concentration and presenting a deviation from classic Michaelis–Menten kinetics at low substrate concentrations. Rb uptake by the DhTRK1p transporter was stimulated by millimolar concentrations of Na at pH 4.5. The good performance of DhTRK1p in the presence of NaCl may be a key feature in the halotolerance of .


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