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Bacterial interference between and in the nasopharynx has been observed during colonization, which might have important clinical implications for the widespread use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in young children. This study aimed to determine whether the capacity of to compete with is dependent on bacterial genotype. Demographic and microbiological determinants of carriage of specific genotypes of in children were also studied. Children (=3198) were sampled in the nasopharynx to detect carriage of , and . genotypes and pneumococcal sero- and genotypes were determined. Age, gender, zip code, active smoking and co-colonization with or , both vaccine- and non-vaccine types, were not associated with colonization by specific genotypes. Based on the whole-genome typing data obtained, there was no obvious correlation between staphylococcal and pneumococcal genotypes during co-colonization. Passive smoking showed a significant association (=0.003) with carriage of a specific cluster. This study suggests that there are no major differences between clones (with different disease-invoking potential) in their capacity to compete with subtypes. Further studies should demonstrate whether differences in bacterial interference are due to more subtle genetic changes.


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