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Shikimate can be utilized as the sole source of carbon and energy of . Although biosynthesis and degradation of shikimate are well characterized in , the transport of shikimate has hardly been studied. A mutant strain deficient in loses the ability to grow on shikimate as well as to consume extracellular shikimate, indicating that the gene is involved in shikimate utilization (designated ). The hydropathy profile of the deduced amino acid sequence indicates that ShiA belongs to the metabolite/proton symporter family, which is a member of the major facilitator superfamily. An accumulation assay showed that the uptake of shikimate was hardly detected in the -deficient strain, but was markedly enhanced in a -expressing strain. These results suggested that the uptake of shikimate was mainly mediated by the shikimate transporter encoded by . The level of mRNA induction by shikimate was significantly decreased by the disruption of (designated ), which is located immediately upstream of and encodes a LysR-type transcriptional regulator, suggesting that ShiR acts as an activator of . To our knowledge, this is the first report in Gram-positive bacteria of a shikimate transporter and its regulation.


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