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The LuxI/R quorum-sensing system and its associated -acylated homoserine lactone (AHL) signal is widespread among Gram-negative bacteria. Although inhibition by indole of AHL quorum signalling in and has been reported previously, it has not been documented among other species. Here, we show that co-culture with wild-type , but not with mutants that lack tryptophanase and as a result do not produce indole, inhibits AHL-regulated pigmentation in (violacein), (phenazine) and (prodigiosin). Loss of pigmentation also occurred during pure culture growth of and in the presence of physiologically relevant indole concentrations (0.5–1.0 mM). Inhibition of violacein production by indole was counteracted by the addition of the cognate autoinducer, -decanoyl homoserine lactone (C10-HSL), in a dose-dependent manner. The addition of exogenous indole or co-culture with also affected transcription of (violacein pigment production) and (chitinase production), but had no effect on (pyruvate kinase), which is not quorum regulated. AHL-regulated elastase and chitinase activity were inhibited by indole, as was motility. Growth of was not affected by indole or C10-HSL supplementation. Using a nematode-feeding virulence assay, we observed that survival of exposed to and was enhanced during indole supplementation. Overall, these studies suggest that indole represents a general inhibitor of AHL-based quorum signalling in Gram-negative bacteria.

This study was supported by the:
  • Texas State University
  • Texas Higher Education Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program

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