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Methylisocitrate lyase (MCL), a signature enzyme of the methylcitrate cycle, which cleaves methylisocitrate to pyruvate and succinate, is required for propionate metabolism, for secondary metabolite production and for virulence in bacteria and fungi. Here we investigate the role of the methylcitrate cycle by generating an deletion mutant in the fungal biocontrol agent . Gene expression analysis shows that a basal expression of is observed in all growth conditions tested. Phenotypic analysis of an deletion mutant suggests the requirement of MCL in propionate resistance, growth, conidial pigmentation and germination, and abiotic stress tolerance. A plate confrontation assay did not show a difference between the WT and the Δ strain in antagonism towards . However, the Δ strain displays reduced antagonism towards . based on a secretion assay. Furthermore, an root colonization assay shows that the Δ strain had reduced ability to colonize roots, which results in reduced induction of systemic resistance towards . These data show that MCL is important not only for growth and development in . but also in antagonism, root colonization and induction of defence responses in plants.


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